Monday, September 30, 2013

The Week Ahead in the House and Senate 9/30/13

Submitted by:  Veronica CoffinWill the federal government shut down?  That's the $986 billion question!  (A ...

Monday, September 2, 2013

Britain Sold Chemicals to Syria to Produce Sarin Gas

By Dean GarrisonHere's a question that deserves an answer. Is it OK to aid the enemy when your ally is the Al Q ...

an excellent speech bya New High School Principal

New High School Principal We watched high school principal Dennis Prager of Colorado, along with Tom Brokaw o ...

The Three-Decade Delay of a Nuclear Waste Repository

Can you imagine a U.S. government that has spent three decades and billions of dollars building a nuclear waste r ...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

SEAL Team 6 Families' Suspicions of Gov't Grow

'I believe someone on their side definitely made a deal with somebody on our side'By Jack MinorMore than ...

Congress Is Still In Recess -- But It's Been A Busy Week In Washington!

Submitted by:  Veronica CoffinCongress will return on Sept. 9th -- and on the top of their list will be wh ...

Soros Funds Next Generation of Liberal Journalism

By Mike CiandellaColumbia University is home to the only Ivy League graduate journalism school, and one of o ...

Worst President EVER

The WORST President ever! It will be interesting to see how many Democrats in Congress will want to go down with ...

The Incredible Shrinking President

A Humiliating Debacle For AmericaA Commentary by J. D. LongstreetWell, Obama just finished off what little was ...